AA vs NA: What You Need to Know About Addiction Recovery Meetings

na alcoholics anonymous

NA is welcome to any person who thinks they’re addicted to substances and wants to change their life. If for any reason you walk away from your first meeting feeling like you didn’t connect with the style or the people there, you can try a different meeting to find the right fit for you. The goal is to create a safe environment where people addicted to substances can connect with each other and support each other’s recovery. NA and AA groups are peer-based models designed to help people share support, advice, experiences, and hope. The idea is that as you have benefitted from someone else’s help, you should pay it forward by helping others.

Steps, Drugs, and Urban Populations

Dr. Dave decided somebody needed to step up to take care of their urgent health care needs, and since nobody else was offering, that person would be him. The Oxford Group, an evangelical Christian fellowship that flourished in the United States and England in the early 1900s, had a strong influence on the origins of AA. The Oxford Group was non-denominational, and its members focused on erasing sin from daily life. The group did this by having members share their experiences with one another, make amends, examine themselves, make restitution for harm done, and engage in prayer. Future research should take into consideration religious facets of functioning, which are important predictors of participants’ meaning in life and hope.

Which Program Should You Choose, AA vs NA?

This step involves being honest with yourself about the harm done to the various aspects of your life, and taking responsibility for your actions. A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety. The conducted study had a cross-sectional, not longitudinal, character. The cross-sectional model of research gives the possibility to interpret the direction of identified relationships between variables but not from the causation perspective.

na alcoholics anonymous

Dr. Dave’s Current Views on Marijuana and Psychedelics

It would be interesting to verify the indirect impact of AA involvement on subjective well-being through hope and meaning in life using a bi-dimensional model of meaning in life [117]. Using other measures of well-being, quality of life and health—especially regarding not only psychological but additional social and physical spheres of life—could give interesting results. AA is a worldwide mutual self-help group, https://sober-home.org/how-does-alcohol-affect-your-skin-long-and-short/ but it does not mean that there is a universal model of recovery due to involvement in self-help groups through existential well-being. Among those who started NA and AA attendance, the majority (85% and 91%, respectively) stopped NA and AA attendance for a month or longer. Data support the idea that the 12-Step career, like the treatment career, consists of multiple interrupted episodes of participation.

  1. AA’s structure leads to identifying with those other AA members who now demonstrate appropriate behaviour upon which one’s own behaviour and attitudes can be modelled.
  2. The role of hope as a result of AA involvement leading to recovery of alcohol-dependent patients can be explained based on the Farran, Wilken, and Popovich [73] model.
  3. Generalizability of the results is limited to alcohol-dependent individuals from Poland participating in AA.

What is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA)?

It seems to be important to test whether this model is useful when the dependent variable is abstinence or frequency of alcohol use. A bigger sample could give an opportunity to verify if sex, religious involvement, other addictions, or diseases play a moderating role between involvement in AA and meaning of life/hope. In addition, it is important to verify whether the presented model of recovery could be employed to other self-help groups dedicated to both substance and behavioural addictions, such as drug addicts, gamblers, sex addicts, workaholics, etc.

3. Improved Hope as a Potential Mechanism of Change Associated with AA Involvement

na alcoholics anonymous

It means that results can be interpreted only as associations between latent variables, which could differ from connections between observed variables. The research model assumed that involvement in AA is indirectly related to subjective well-being through existential well-being. The Cantril Ladder [91] is a well-known measure used to verify life satisfaction.

When you’re new to NA, the talk about God and the inclusion of prayers at some meetings can be surprising and even uncomfortable. This step of recovery involves actively monitoring behavior and being willing to admit and rectify mistakes as they happen. Imperfection and setbacks are expected, but staying accountable and honest can keep people from falling back into old habits.

The participants of the study were 70 individuals addicted to alcohol, attending AA meetings in Poland. The surveys were distributed by the psychologist during AA meetings and collected during the next meeting after being completed at home. Some authors indicate that hope is a character trait [69,70,71,72] or positive emotion [73,74,75].

He bought into the program and the idea of a fellowship where people helped one another. “Gradually, my drinking started squeezing all three of those out of my life,” Marlon says. History and current activities; sharing from groups, service committees, and individual A.A.

Other groups fail by way of entanglements related to religion or politics or stagger under challenges to the group’s credibility. White talked about why AA was successful among the succession of mutual aid recovery groups. First, AA has been thriving and expanding since 1935, and membership surveys count two million members worldwide. Second, AA is accessible and available in an abundance of communities, whereas other recovery organizations may not have meetings in as many locations. Third, and most significantly, AA is unique in its 12 traditions.

If you are open about your drug replacement therapy, however, you may be asked not to speak at an NA meeting and simply listen. You’re free to chat with others during breaks or afterward. You may not get the full benefits of actively taking part in meetings. Some other members may informally try to get you to stop your BMT. Substance abuse can have negative repercussions on your work, family, relationships, and community.

There are no membership fees, and NA is an independent organization with no links to any treatment centers or religious groups. If you are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, it is common to struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can provide a community of support as you work through recovery.

It’s also appropriate to turn off your phone and not have side conversations. Everyone is nervous about attending their first 12-step meeting. However, you can rest assured that everyone in the room has been in the same place you https://sober-home.org/ are now, and the majority are very welcoming to newcomers. Meetings vary a bit because the local members direct them, but you can expect a few common things. This step centers on the idea that all people have shortcomings.

na alcoholics anonymous

It also contains stories written by the co-founders and stories from a wide range of members who have found recovery in A.A. There are also apps available that can help you find a local meeting or attend a virtual one. The NA Meeting Search app is available for both iOS and Android.

Involvement in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an important psychosocial factor for the recovery of alcohol-dependent individuals. Recent studies have confirmed the beneficial role of involvement in AA for abstinence and reduction in drinking alcohol. Little is known about the mechanism underlying the relationship between involvement in AA and subjective well-being. This study aims to verify whether in a sample of Polish AA participants involvement in AA is indirectly related to subjective well-being through existential well-being consisting of hope and meaning in life. The achieved results have confirmed that involvement in AA is positively related to existential well-being, which in turn positively predicts subjective well-being including life satisfaction as well as positive and negative affect. It was confirmed that AA involvement in self-help groups indirectly via existential well-being is related to subjective well-being.

There is a difference between being powerless over a substance and being powerless over the addiction. It suggests that in AA, the lack of control is due to the alcohol, while in NA, the lack of control is due to the actual addiction itself. This difference has led to many people concluding that NA is more focused on the individual, rather than focusing on the assistance of a Higher Power, which is a major part of The Twelve Steps in AA. For many, this approach is appealing because they may not feel comfortable discussing a Higher Power and its influence in their lives. Instead, they may feel that the responsibility lies completely with them and that they need to, in a sense, get out of their own way if they’re ever going to be free from their addictions. For the NA member, once you’re able to accomplish that goal, there is room for the Higher Power (as you see it) to work in your life and help you work toward being clean.